Shark Attack in Anaehoomalu Bay, Hawaii
On Sunday, around 12:30 in the afternoon, a man in his 60s experienced a shark attack in Anaehoomalu Bay, Hawaii. According to DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) the man was swimming 200 yards from the shore when a shark bit his left hand. He fought off the shark and started to swim back when he experienced another shark bite to the back of his left knee.
Chelsey Hartzell was working aboard a Catamaran boat when she witnessed the man in distress. She was waiting for her crew to come back with supplies. According to Hartzell, the man was near the buoy when she saw him thrashing in the water, trying to escape the shark. She helped the man board the boat and saw that his left hand and the back of his left calf and thigh were torn apart. Hartzell said, “I grabbed my beach towel and came over and we just applied pressure to the wounds.”
Two other swimmers were in the water and joined Hartzell and the injured man onboard. Once everyone was onboard, she called for help, which arrived quickly. The Hawai‘i County Fire Department took the man to North Hawai‘i Community Hospital for treatment.
Fourth Shark Attack in Anaehoomalu Bay
While this was a shocking shark encounter for the crew member and the witnesses, it’s not the first shark attack in Anaehoomalu Bay, Hawaii. This is the fourth time a shark has bitten someone at Anaehoomalu Bay since 2019. Three months ago, in December, another swimmer was attacked and experienced torso and right thumb lacerations. In January 2021, another swimmer was attached with cuts to their right leg. In April of 2019, a shark attacked a 35-year-old paddleboarder who experienced lacerations to the inner thigh and right calf.
While you can’t entirely avoid shark attacks, there are things you can do to protect yourself. One is to always swim with a partner or have someone near the shore to watch over you. If the Catamaran boat was not nearby, the man could have had a different outcome.