Teenage boy was Attacked by a Great White during fishing trip
On Sunday, a teenage boy was attacked by a great white shark during a fishing trip. The incident occurred around 1:40 pm on West Beach near Adelaide in South Australia. The 16-year-old boy, Nathan Ness, was fishing with his father and two younger siblings when the shark attacked him.
The teenager caught the shark and reeled it in. When he tried to take a photo of his accomplishment, the shark retaliated. His younger sister, Megan, said, “He thought it would be cool if he held the tail so he could get a photo with it, and then the shark turned around and bit his leg.”
According to his father, Michael Ness, Nathan grabbed the shark by the tail and tried to take a photo with it before releasing it. When he “picked it up, it swung around and grabbed hold of his leg.” He goes on to say, “I saw the shark latched onto him and I saw bits of fat squish out of his leg… it was horrible.”
When Nathan Nass screamed out to get the shark off of him, his father sprung into action. He pried the shark’s mouth open and it released the teenager’s leg. Michael Ness said while he drove back to the shore his son called the ambulance. South Australian paramedics were at the scene and treated the teenage boy attacked by a great white. The ambulance took the boy to Royal Adelaide Hospital where he is in stable condition.

The boy’s father said that the incident happened very quickly, in a matter of seconds. His son was ready to release the shark when the shark’s mouth latched on to his leg. According to the father, the shark that attacked the teenager was a great white, around five feet long. Nathan Ness was left with two big gashes, which required stitches. While the accident was traumatic, Mr Ness said that his son was not fazed by it and asked when they could go fishing again.
Great White in South Australia
Fishermen Brodie and Colin North said that it’s rare to catch sharks off of West Beach. Colin stated that he had never seen anyone catch a shark before. Brodie goes on to say that Nathan was very lucky he didn’t get bitten on a major artery. “They’re lucky they got away with a few stitches considering the size of the shark and how aggressive they are when they’re pulled onto a boat.”
Lately, there have been a lot of shark sitings in South Australia. This is the sixth shark bite in less than a year. There were also three fatal shark attacks in South Australia in the past year.