Fatal Shark Attack in the Bahamas
On Monday, there was a shark attack in the Bahamas that was fatal. A 44-year-old woman and her male relative were paddle boarding near Sandals Royal Resort when the incident occurred. The couple was three-quarters of a mile out from the shore when the shark attacked and pulled the woman into the water. Her right side encountered serious injury. According to the police she sustained injuries to her upper hip region and her right upper limb.
A lifeguard on duty saw what happened and went on a boat to rescue the two paddle boarders. While CPR was administered to the victim, due to her serious injuries she died. When the emergency responders came to the scene they confirmed that the victim showed no signs of life. The male relative who was paddle boarding with the victim was unharmed.
Shark Victim from Boston
It was later confirmed that the female victim in the shark attack in the Bahamas was Lauren Erickson Van Wart. She was a math editor who worked for Curriculum Associates. Curriculum Associates CEO Rob Waldron said, “Our team is heartbroken and grieving the loss of a dear and trusted colleague and friend.” He goes on to say, “Our Curriculum Associates community is mourning this tragedy and extends our deepest love and support to Lauren’s wonderful husband and all of her family.”
The Sandals resolrt also released a statement saying; “We are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of a guest while on a paddleboarding activity nearly a mile from the shore. We wish to express our heartfelt condolences to the guest’s family and loved ones. We remain in close contact with them and are providing all support possible during this difficult time.”
There was no mention of what type of shark killed the victim. There are between 30-40 different shark species that reside in the Bahamas.
Two days earlier, a woman was swimming in a beach town of Melaque, Mexico, when she was attacked by a shark. The 26 year-old woman was with her five year old daughter when the incident occurred. Due to her serious shark wounds, she died as well.
According to the Tracking Sharks website, there have been 79 shark attacks this year, thus far. Twelve of the shark attacks were fetal and nine were provoked.