Species Profile: The Spinner Shark
As its name suggests, the Spinner Shark is known for the spectacular spinning leaps it makes. Unfortunately, it’s now threatened from many angles especially by commercial fisheries and sports fishermen.
As its name suggests, the Spinner Shark is known for the spectacular spinning leaps it makes. Unfortunately, it’s now threatened from many angles especially by commercial fisheries and sports fishermen.
Learn all you need to know about the docile and sedentary nurse shark including its preferred habitat and the peculiar way it makes up for its small mouth when feeding.
As its name suggests, the Caribbean Reef Shark is commonly found in Caribbean waters. It’s the largest apex predator in its ecosystem. However, there is some controversy concerning the practice of humans feeding this shark bait for divers to approach it for a closer look.
Learn about the beautiful but strange looking tasselled wobbegong shark that blends perfectly with its surroundings, and has perfected its ambush strategy with a couple of neat tricks.
The Lemon Shark is the most well-known and researched shark in the science world today. Find out all there is to know about this powerful shark here.
Madison Stewart, also commonly known as the “Shark Girl,” is a young dive master and an underwater filmmaker. She strongly advocates for the protection and conservation of sharks and has committed her life to protecting sharks.